I provide professional legal services and representation to my Clients for competitive attorney's fees.

For more information, please visit the contents in the menu above! 

Member of the Budapest Bar

Bar List No.: Ü-16314 - Bar ID number: 36068701 - Bar Card No.: Ü-116322 Reg.No.: Budapest Bar 01-003275

electronic address: 53708616#cegkapu


1117 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond körtér 14.





This website is maintained by DR. SUSAN STUBITS, Attorney-at-Law, in compliance with the regulations and recommendations issued by the Hungarian Bar of Association (MÜK). According to point e) of Section 111 (2) of the Act LXXVIII of 2017 on legal profession, MÜK summarizes the Regulations related to legal professionals, which generally governs, but is not considered to be normative, the procedures to be followed in situations that repeatedly occur in the course of legal work and require answers, which can be found at the link below:
